Thursday, November 19, 2009

To call it long would be laughable

Today was easily the most trying, most stressful, most emotional and most productive day at Congress. We had an incredible presentation from a gentleman named Red Beckman. This man was inspiring. I suggest you Google him and learn as much as you can because I can only scratch the surface of what I am sure is an iceberg of knowledge...and still, I am sure, not do it justice. We are handicapped. From our public schools to the media and our churches. We are not taught what we need to know to protect Liberty and now it has gone too far. We believe that our government derives its just power from the consent of the people. A better way to put it would be that the government gets its just or unjust powers from the consent of the governed. Our election process is so corrupted by campaign contribution that the possibility of a democratic answer to the problems we face is growing slimmer as the days pass. If we had some law that would ban incumbents from raising campaign money and force them to run on their record...maybe there would be hope. In England the people were forced to resort to violence 23 times from the time of the Magna Carta to the American Constitution to bring their government within some semblance of law. Sadly, violence and the spilling of blood is merely an indication that there was failure. Our failure. Failure to restrain that most dangerous servant government. Failure to be informed. Failure to exercise our rights. For like muscles, through lack of use they will atrophy and they will die. What do we do about this? The courts are the wrong venue to seek an answer. It can only be achieved by a Grand Jury comprised of WE the people. As someone cases in the past however, how does one gain standing? So many cases are dismissed for lack of standing and I do not have the answer for you. One step that must be taken is to remind people of the power of the jury in general. Jurors are more powerful than many people realize and if they knew I promise people of our mindset would be lining up to volunteer for jury duty. Ever since 1890 judges stopped informing people about one very important fact...the jury has the the judge not only the facts but the law itself. Samuel Chase, a man who actually signed the Declaration of Independence, became a Supreme Court Justice and was eventually impeached. He said to a jury, "I will tell you what the law is." Since then...we have let them. Mr. Beckman presented a flow chart to the Congress today that explained the paradigm shift that has happened. The system is intended to be: Nature's Law; Common Law (common sense); Law of Grammar (what words mean); the Individual; the Constitution; three branches of Government; House and Senate; lesser laws. We are above the Constitution...we are above the Government. As I mentioned before we are at a disadvantage because our schools teach us to follow, the media tells us we aren't in charge and the churches (not mine personally...I have an amazing pastor, but many) teach us to obey. And for those who are able to see through and resist the reversal of the natural order there is the IRS. The IRS is a weapon that can be used to pressure a person to the point of suicide. The IRS is guilty of committing thousands of "perfect murders." More people than you would ever imagine have committed that final act simply because they could no longer take the pressure. Mr. Beckman stressed to us that there are two kinds of Patriotism. First is True Patriotism where the people declare allegiance to their country. The second is False Patriotism where the people declare allegiance to their government. Many people don't know this...because you never hear anything good in the news...but Italy has had 40 different governments since WWII. We never hear about great upheaval and turmoil in Italy because for some reason it works. Or maybe, as Thomas Jefferson said, "Every generation needs a revolution." The rest of the day was intense deliberation and many great strides forward. In regards to the many reports we received today we voted as follows: FOREIGN POLICY AND GENERAL WELFARE Recommit; PRESIDENTIAL AUTHORITY TO RECONVENE Unanimously approved; SOVEREIGNTY Accepted; CONSTITUTIONAL GOVERNANCE Accepted; WAR POWERS Accepted; NEW WORLD ORDER Rejected; PUBLIC DEBT Accepted; ARTICLE II ELIGIBILITY Accepted; PRIVACY Unanimously approved; POWER OF THE JURY Accepted; 14th AMENDMENT Postponed. Those are all the votes for the day. Now before I take leave, which necessity requires be is 3:48 am as I type and another long day tomorrow, I would like to briefly address the incidence at the end of this evening. It is always disappointing to see tempers and anger come to bear. The 14th Amendment is deemed by this Congress to be a piece of immense importance to the troubles we are facing and the Congress itself was divided greatly over how to best address it. There was incidence with the voting delegates of Illinois, Delaware and Ohio. The voting delegates were strongly in support of continuing to debate because they so strongly believe the 14th Amendment holds the key. I hope that none of our delegation leave due to such an argument as some of you may have witnessed...although it took place at 1 AM here...which is 2 AM there. In this Congress sleep is short, it is now 3:54 AM, tensions and stress are high and an event of this nature was inevitable. I pray to Nature's Creator that we may move beyond this and finish all the good work that hard labor by many individuals has brought forward.

1 comment:

  1. I commend your fortitude and dedication. We all wish you luck with the Articles of Association and wish we could be a more active part of what you all are doing.
