Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I pledge allegiance, to the flags...

We are in danger of losing our sovereignty...or have we lost it already? The first thing we discussed this morning was the North American Free Trade Agreement. One of the requirements of NAFTA is that the governments involved must reform their laws to comply with NAFTA's regulations. Did you know that the NAFTA courts, yeah...for some reason they have those, are higher than even our own Supreme Court. Next we discussed Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) which is essentially NAFTA on steroids. The SPP is one more step towards the North American Union. There is actually a facts vs myth section to their website...it's an interesting read (it can be found here: http://www.spp.gov. Is it true...what do you think, but it's there. They have deemed that there is no need for Congressional oversight of SPP because NAFTA is already considered "law of the land." The trick to all of this is putting it in place incrementally. They are beginning to piece together a NAFTA super highway known as the Trans-Texas Corridor. The TTC is a 1/4 mile wide superhighway that bisects Texas and continues up through Minnesota into Canada. To put that into perspective a 12 lane highway is roughly 300 yards across, 1/4 mile is 1,200 yards. Another step can be taken next month in Copenhagen. A great video for some more info on that is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMe5dOgbu40. This is the groundwork to more than a regional combining of nations but a one world government. The key is to slowly put the infrastructure in place. Another step is by encouraging the development and growth of public-private partnerships. If you spend just a few minutes I could fill a full page of such partnerships that have developed here in America in the past decade. To put it simply they are seeking one currency, one set of rules, one government. Eastern nations have already begun discussing how to dump the dollar and the IMF has cried for the need of a one world currency. They have even begun a sort of one world education through the North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO). This is a program held in Ann Arbor, MI every November and is participated in by roughly 400 students. The intent is, "to share ideas, learn new skills, and look at issues affecting the cooperative movement worldwide." I lifted that from the website...they make it easy. I'm sure I don't have to express to you how the loss of sovereignty will negatively affect us here in the States. Just look at the EU. 84% of the laws in place currently in Germany come directly from the EU. Private property was our next topic. The idea of private property was used by General Gaius Marius of Rome. He offered private property to those who would serve in his army. This led to one of the strongest fighting forces ever organized. After the fall of Rome to a corrupted general around 80 BC private property disappeared from the Earth until the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215. Even then the property belonged to the Nobles and Lords alone. Private property is quit possibly the best way to reduce poverty. 70% of small businesses us the equity on their homes to start the business. No private property...no new businesses. In developing nations it can take from 10 to 20 years to register private property and many time these property rights never get legally established. To illustrate just how important private property is to an economy consider that we here in America have an average yearly income of appoximately $45,000. In socialist Europe the average income is around $34,000 and in former communist states the average income is a meager $2,000. Now you tell me what works best...Capitalism and Liberty, Socialism and Collectivism or Communism and well...gulags. There are other concerns that are rising from the environmental movement such as smart growth and the programs of Agenda 21 with sustainable development. These programs could devastate the States and we are still waiting with bated breath on cap & trade. For further info on cap & trade check out www.nocapandtrade.us. And as if we didn't have enough acronyms to worry about I was introduced today to ICLEI which is a non-governmental organization to promote environmental sustainability to local governments and has been accridted by the UN to promote their environmental policies. Pair this with the Sierra Club, Autobahn Society, Chamber of Commerce (yeah, they have them to), and even the American Bar Association being wrapped up in this dirty business of cleaning up...we have an uphill climb. I digress for just a moment to catch your breath...a poem perhaps, "The woods are lovely/ dark and deep/ But i have promises to keep/ And miles to go before I sleep/ And miles to go before I sleep. Now that my mind has stopped spinning to, I will conclude with a brief report on what was discussed in deliberation today. If you have been watching this online you are familiar with the process we have adopted. For those of you who haven't...go to www.givemeliberty.org/cc2009. Why would I tell you about it when you should be watching. But we did pass one resolution today concerning the income tax. I can't accurately report on it because I was out of the room on business but as soon as I learn the details of this resolution I will try to inform you. Two other resolutions were sent back to committee to be reworked some more. Seeing as I am on one of those committees, regarding sovereignty, I must take my leave for the night because we will be meeting at 6am to finish and boy does that come fast.


  1. Thank you so much for your dedication and for keeping us up to date on what goes on.Its a privilege to be represented by you and our other two delegates and God bless all three of you.

  2. In effect the SPP, NAFTA and all of the World Government organizations are taking their cue from the United Nations Agenda 21 program. When this happens, Socialism will be blanketed across the world. A one world government, George H.W.Bush signed on to this and Bill Clinton sanctioned this with an executive order. Abolition of private property is one of their main goals. With the implementation of something similar or the same of one World Government, your rights and freedoms will be abolished. Neighborhood thugs will be hired to monitor your activities. And if they are not with the plan, you will then be reprogrammed, one way or another. Stalin was great at reprogramming 20 million individuals. Do we need to say more? Yes we do. Stop the usurpation of your rights before it is too late. America stands for the Individual, the world order stands for the State.
